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An International Seminar of Digital and Global Art History

Since 2009, the ARtl@s Seminar has been a unique platform for the application of computational methods to the transnational and global history of art. Several generations have been trained in Paris at the École normale supérieure until 2019, and then at the University of Geneva, in the methodologies of cultural transfers, global history, and digital humanities.

Since 2020, the seminar has transitioned to an online format. After four years of focusing on the global circulation of images and their resemantization, as well as the exploration of styles through artificial intelligence, the Artlas expands its 2023-2024 discussions to address the often overlooked collaboration between Digital Art History and more conventional art history.

Seminar organized by Prof. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, université de Genève, Dr. Nicola Carboni, UniGE, and Prof. Catherine Dossin, Purdue University.

Seminar organized by Prof. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, université de Genève, Dr. Nicola Carboni, UniGE, and Prof. Catherine Dossin, Purdue University.

Seminar of Pr. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, université de Genève.

Seminar organized by Dr. Léa Saint-Raymond, ENS Paris, in collaboration with Pr. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (UNIGE) and Pr. Catherine Dossin (Purdue University).

Seminar organized by Prof. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, université de Genève.

Seminar organized by Dr. Léa Saint-Raymond, in collaboration with Prof. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, université de Genève, and Prof. Catherine Dossin, Purdue University.

Seminar hosted by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel. With the collaboration of Catherine Dossin, Associate Professor at Purdue University, USA, and Léa Saint-Raymond, ATER at the Collège de France.

The Artl@s group dedicates this year to the study of women’s role in the globalization of art and culture.  Current projects are done in partnership with the research team of Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni (University of São Paulo, Brazil), with the project Mode(S) directed by Paula Barreiro-Lopez (University of Barcelona/Univ. de Grenoble), as well as the AWARE association. The seminar is supported by the LabEx TranferS and the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History (IHMC, CNRS-ENS-PSL)

Seminar hosted by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel. With the collaboration of Catherine Dossin, Associate Professor at Purdue University, USA, and Léa Saint-Raymond, ATER at the Collège de France.

Artl@s’ current projects are done in partnership with the research team of Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni (University of São Paulo, Brazil), with the project Mode(S) directed by Paula Barreiro-Lopez (University of Barcelona), as well as the AWARE association. The seminar is supported by the LabEx TranferS and the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History (IHMC, CNRS-ENS-PSL)

Seminar organized by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel.

With Paula Barreiro-Lopez (University of Barcelona) as Professeur invitée (labex TransferS) from April to June 2017, and as Postdocs: Tatiana Debroux (University of Brussels – Ville de Paris), Ana Paula Simioni (Professor at the University of São Paulo, FAPESP) and Joana Baião (Lisbon University).

Seminar organized by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel.

While inviting specialists to present their work, we work as a team, with Silvia Naef, Professor at the University of Geneva, and Visiting Professor of the LabEx TransferS, to a first collection of exhibition catalogs from the Arab worlds, and to their geographical study.

Circulation and Traceability of Artistic Knowledge and Facts between the Souths.
Organized by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, director of Artlas, ENS, and Olivier Marcel, PostDoc Artl@s, ANR-Jeunes-chercheurs 2011-2015

Organized by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (Artlas, ENS), and Daniel Quiles (Artlas Postdoc 2013-2014),  with the collaboration of Michela Passini (CNRS / IHMC ), and Catherine Dossin (Purdue University)

The 2013-2014 year will turn primarily to the study of the circulation of 20th c. Latin American art and artists, both across the region and beyond it, but the general theme does not prevent the presentation of work on other geographical areas (Japan, Italy, Central Europe, and others) nor various topics (including historiography, sculpture, the history of museums, cinema, and the theme of trans-space) introduced by foreign researchers and guests of the team’s teachers who will be visiting Paris at Artlas’s invitation.

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